Regent Air seamlessly orchestrates every aspect of transportation, facilitating essential medical and customs clearances, while collaborating with airline personnel to ensure the availability of vital medical equipment.
At Regent Air, we uphold top-tier medical care standards for both air ambulance and commercial escort clients. Our medical team comprises licensed physicians, registered nurses, and respiratory therapists. We tailor our medical personnel for each flight or escort to meet the unique needs of every patient.
Air Ambulance Services
Our staff and aircraft are designed to provide air ambulance support in critical situations, emergencies, and natural disasters. Our specially configured Pilatus PC 12 NG aircraft comes equipped with state-of-the-art medical technology, including:
• Stryker Lifepak 15 V4+ Monitor / Pacer / Defibrillator
• Alaris 8100 Large Volume Infusion Pump
• Hamilton T1 Ventilator
• Spectrum stretcher with built in oxygen
• Onboard oxygen concentrator
• ACLS transfer kits with full airway, intubation and resuscitation equipment and medication

Medical Repatriation
At Regent Air, we acknowledge the unique emotional and physical challenges faced by individuals who become ill while away from home. This recognition is the foundation of our commitment to delivering compassionate and personalized care during medical missions. Our confidence in the collaborative capabilities of our team is well-founded, given that many of our staff members have a history of working together in local hospitals. These professionals adhere to strict policies developed in collaboration with our medical directors. Upon arrival, they engage in close cooperation with the staff of the sending hospital, advocating fervently for the well-being of the patients.

Medical Escort Services
We are fortunate in having a large group of diverse staff. This allows us to provide services beyond our own aircrafts. Currently, our nurses and doctors are enthusiastic about assisting patients for our partners at Canadian EMS.
To arrange medical escort services please contact: